Using Your Dark Feminine Energy to Create Intentional Habits and an Intentional Life

In this episode, we discuss what dark feminine energy is and how we can use it to create intentional habits and live and intentional life.

Iā€™m Allison.

Writer, teacher, guide, podcast host, and founder of Create Love Freedom, an online space for women to reclaim their feminine, heal, transform, and come home to their feminine energy, feminine power, and feminine radiance.

If you are a woman wanting to heal your past wounds and trauma, deepen into your feminine being, slow down, authentically know yourself, let go of societal conditioning, create the relationships and connections you desire, and to become the woman you want to be, you are in the right place.

Start here.


Am I Seeking Attention/Validation or Do I Like/Love Him?


Defensive Pessimism in Relationships and the Positive Correlation with Fearful Avoidance